On Making Money with a Book
Exploring the business of book income from the world’s top author innovators.
It’s 2024 and books are beyond their “bestseller” hay-day. Success no longer means a badge determined by someone else. Author’s throughout the world are re-defining their definition of book success. How so?
Russel Brunson gives his book away for free, and as a result makes $238 on every book.
Mike Shreeve sells The One Book Millions Method direct to his customers (it’s not available anywhere else, except at peacefulprofits.com) for $4.99 as a PDF. He claims,
“Just the book you see on this page added $5M/year to my coaching business.”
Matt Rudd with Platypus Publishing writes that,
My first big contract was a $25,000 ghostwriting content (for a short book). . . . That came from a stranger, a month after he found my book (and never actually read it).
Blair Enns says on this 2Bobs episode (@ ~16mins) that,
“. . . The Win Without Pitching Manifesto is a $25 dollar book that you buy on Amazon, and it’s meant to go out in the world and spread my ideology. Then as my audience is built over the years some people come to our website and buy my second book, Pricing Creativity which is priced between $100 - $320 a copy. So that book makes pretty good money. The Manifesto makes money too, but that was never the intent.”
Rob Fritz writes in Write Useful Books that,
“In its (The Most Test, 2013) first month, it earned $535. Eight years later, thanks to steady word of mouth, it has passed 12k in monthly royalties and continues to grow. . . . I self-published, had no editor or professional help, and launched a book full of typos. And yet, despite its many flaws, the book has proven both profitable and long-lasting, earning more than $500k in total royalties thus far.”
Garrett J White with The Wake Up Warrior Movement has six books, none of which are available on Amazon. He sold 35,000 copies of his $100 book; and over 10,000 copies of his $500 box set book.
Dan Miller, sold (direct) $2 million worth of self-published 3-ring binder books within just 18 months.
And then there’s BookTok! ABC News ran this story of once unknown author, Shawn M Warner who sat alone, saddened, at a grocery store promoting his debut young adult fantasy novel. A tik-tok star saw him and his book, made a quick video, posted it. A few days later, the video went viral. His book rocketed to a USA Today Bestseller, #1 Amazon Bestseller, and #1 Barnes & Noble Bestseller and currently has 7,000+ reviews on Amazon.
Stories like these…is what this book seeks to find and share.