The Foundation Bookshop
What is it?
The Foundation Bookshop is a private, 1-on-1, 90-minute Zoom workshop with Kory that’s designed to take your spark of madness, genius ideas, expertise (the magic inside you) and clarify it into one sentence that aligns your book with your vision, mission, and business model.
During the workshop, I’ll get you comfortable and relaxed through guided exercises and questions. You’ll talk aloud in a free flowing stream of your own brilliance. Slowly, your mind will quiet and magic will start oozing out of you. Through my guidance and knowledge of book positioning, I’ll capture and curate your brilliance into one sentence: Your Book Foundation Statement.
This statement will serve as your essential foundational clarity for your next book: Who you’re writing for; What you’re going to teach them; and most importantly, the big Why behind it all—Why are you doing it? And, Why should anyone care about it?
What are the deliverables?
“Book Clarity.”
That’s it. But, I know you want the specifics. You’ll leave with:
Your Book Foundation Statement (Who you’re writing for; What you’re going to teach them; Why are you doing it and Why anyone should care).
The slide deck used for the workshop.
The 90-min video recording to reference for ideas, writing, etc.
Who’s it for?
Thought leaders (...experts, entrepreneurs, CEOs, influencers, coaches, consultants, freelancers, speakers, podcasters, etc.) at any point in the book publishing process.
Ideally, the Book Foundation Statement is created before you begin formally writing the book. However, no mater where you are in the publishing process, it’s still a valuable workshop. This foundation statement will help you re-structure, re-frame, add or subtract, and polish your manuscript with your vision, mission, and business model leading the way.
Examples. When you hire and work with your editor, you can then focus on editing for your clear “Who.” When you’re deciding on your book’s title and subtitle you can focus on: Who’s it for? What’s it about? And Why should my “Who” care? When you write your book description or design your book: Who’s it for? What’s it about? And Why should my “Who” care? Every writing and publishing decision you make should come from this foundation statement. Remember, it’s aligned with your mission!
What does it cost?
$500. Invoice Sent via Quickbooks. Pay with 1) bank [ACH]; or 2) credit card [+3%]. Due on receipt. Refundable. I’m so confident in the value of this workshop that if by any chance you’re not pleased, it’s 100% refundable. Simply ask.
What happens after the workshop?
The day of, I’ll email you your: Book Foundation Statement; slide deck; and video recording.
Now that we both have foundational clarity on what the book will look like for YOU—foundational clarity that’s based on your personality, writing and creative style, budget and objectives—I can put together your personal publishing strategy.
That is only if, you’re interested having me continue to help you with your book project. If so, I’ll create your publishing strategy (proposal) that’s based on what’s most important and valuable to you.
It will cover everything that’s included, the process, and the investment. Additionally, there will be details on budget; recommendations on the most effective way to get your book done, and what formats your book should be in; what your workload will be; and who I think should be on our team. As your publishing strategist, you will work directly with me. Around 80% of the work will come directly from me, 20% from contractors. I will not dump you onto a cheap freelancer and disappear. I’m a craftsman, a bookmaker through and through who touches every single part of the bookmaking process. You will hear and/or see from me every week. I’ll manage and facilitate relationships with contractors (trusted partners) as needed. Finally, if applicable to you, I’ll also cover how you’ll bring multiple books to market over time and what impact they will have on your life and business.
How much do these publishing strategies usually cost?
Most clients land between 15-30k. (You can learn more about my process here). I can give you a range, but until we do the Foundation Bookshop and determine what’s best for YOUR book, I can’t give you a number. You might have a email sequence that you want turned into a book. Or perhaps you have a lot of content from your podcast/blog/benchmark study? Or maybe you’ve already written a solid manuscript and you need an editor and then guidance through the publishing process? Or, you might be a talker who wants someone to interview you? Or, your clients might need a workbook from you! Heck, how about an adult children’s book? When you work with me, your next book will be the book that your audience (your Who) wants to read.