Up, Up, & Away is an artist book: a collection of photographs weaved through a conversation with Paige Taylor White, and her partner, on their experiences traveling together as a queer couple.
From paper maps to flat tires and gasoline, this project documents life on the road under the midnight sun as Paige and her partner travel over ten thousand kilometers from Vancouver to Haida Gwaii, BC, through the Yukon and up to the Arctic Ocean: Tuktoyaktuk, NWT.
In the era of social media, this artistic endeavor seeks to uncover authentic beauty, untethered from the constraints of digital filters and staged perfection. It’s an intimate glimpse into a world that is both used and manipulated, joyous and somber—a reflection of life’s complexities. Something where documentary, visual art, adventure, and personal narrative meet together.
An experiment in self documentation through the eyes of a young photographer exploring tropes of adventure and the unknown. A trip where expectations meet reality. A trip about fear and taking a leap of faith to pursue the things one dreams of and cares about—where just starting is something worth celebrating.
Like the road they traveled, the photographs captured in the book are unscripted, raw, and authentic. This approach, driven by curiosity and the willingness to embrace the unforeseen, captures the essence of what Up, Up, & Away is really all about: allowing our daydream to become our reality.
Available at LittleCabinPress.com
Copyediting by Judith Jones
Proofreading by Adeline Hull
Photography by Paige Taylor White
Text by Paige Taylor White
Book Design & Publishing by Kory Kirby
5.5 x 11”
Perfect Bound Paperback
Carnival Vellum Blue 80# cover stock, no lamination, 1 hit blind deboss, 3 hits white hot foil stamp, duplexed, with french flaps.
4-color on 80# natural Cougar opaque smooth (FSC® & SFI® Certified)
160 Total Pages
Set in Adobe Caslon Pro, 8.5/17
Printed & Bound in Minneapolis, Minnesota, by Bookmobile
ISBN 978-1-7342931-3-5
Little Cabin Press (2023)